sat07sep11:00 amsat1:00 pmLow Maintenance GardeningGrowing Food The Way Nature Does Audience: Adults, Teens Duration: 2 hours Level: Beginner & beyond11:00 am - 1:00 pm Bending Oak Permaculture Farm, 100 Cottage Grove Dr. Youngstown OH 44505Cost$25 per person


September 7, 2024 11:00 am - 1:00 pm


$25 per person


Bending Oak Permaculture Farm

100 Cottage Grove Dr. Youngstown OH 44505

Phone Number

(330) 942-0950

Event Details

Growing Food The Way Nature Does

Audience: Adults, Teens

Duration: 2 hours

Level: Beginner & beyond

Join us on Saturday, June 1 for our Low-Maintenance Gardening workshop and lecture. Learn all about designing your garden to create a rewarding and relaxing outdoor retreat with less hassle. You will get to see up-close examples of low-maintenance gardening throughout the Farm that you can recreate in your own yard. Sign up today!