June 16, 2024 2:00 pm
Greene Eagle Winery
2576 Davis Peck Rd, Cortland, OH 44410
Phone Number
(330) 583-9463
Event Details
NO ENTRANCE FEE for the public Guests will need to park in the field on the right when you pull in the
Event Details
NO ENTRANCE FEE for the public
Guests will need to park in the field on the right when you pull in the winery. Show cars will be parked in the parking lot and around the winery.
The FIRST 50 people to register their cars will receive a dash plaque and a goodie bag!
Trophies awarded for Most Original, Best Modified, Oldest Car & Best in Show Car.
Food, Wine & Beer available at winery and by Ocean Breeze Concessions.
Chinese Auction & 50/50 raffle!
Music by DJ Rockin’ Rick